25 April 2010

Stupid stupidness of stupidity.

Pretty much ever since I got to Melbourne, I've spent practically all my time with two girls called Alice and Harriet. A lot of that time has been watching TV or chilling out drinking tea or whatever but we get on really well. It's been so nice hanging out with them, even if it's just been going to the cinema or hanging around in their room doing a crossword or all curling up on one of our beds to watch a film or TV.

Well, last night we went out for a lovely dinner at an awesome restaurant opposite Parliament of Victoria and had a wonderful four course feast of deliciousness because today Alice has gone back to England. I'm so, so, so gutted. To compound this, Harriet is going to Adelaide on Wednesday morning so I'll be by myself. It's horrible because even though I know I will meet other people, I kind of don't want to if I'm honest. I've become tragically long in the tooth and lazy and there are so many people at the hostel who just want to get drunk and hook up with each other and I'm tired, to be honest, and can't be bothered getting involved in all that.

So yeah, down day. BUT I think I will have some exciting work related news to convey quite soon. In the immediate, that arsewipe from Oxford has handed his notice in. It's just that there are so many chiefs, not enough indians, and no team spirit. It's not a very big venue and so even when it's busy it's not busy and the second there are a whole bunch of people eating lunch or whatever it becomes a nightmare. People run around like headless chickens achieving nothing and being rude to each other... It's awful but of course I work for Vue de Monde so I have to get on with it because it's one of the best things I can put on my CV in Australia.

Election stuff still a source of fascination - loving it!

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